Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Post reading questions for week five

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva refers Color Blind Racism as ‘racism lite’ because he is saying that like instead of calling minorities these names such as niggers or chinks, it implies that they are behind and are not working hard enough as suppose to where God was the one who placed them in this crucial position. He also states that, “if two people who come from different racial groups get married, then it is looked as ‘problematic’ because of the location, children, and the burden it is placed the on the couple.” For me, I think the video is racist because well for me, it seems like here that she is generalizing or targeting what white girls are saying to black girls as suppose to you know talking about the different things white people say to black people. I also think that in a way its kind of racist because and this is just me, that she points out how some white girls can act not smart or in other words act as a dumb blond. But although I do believe that she didn’t mean to make the video seemed racist because I think she was just trying to show from her point of view what she has heard from maybe her friends or other people and she just wanted to share it and see if others have experienced it too. I think #5 about the one where people think Obama is Muslim is obviously CBR because to me, it’s the same way as how some people look at Arabs. When they hear the word Arabs or see someone that is Arab, they probably think of terrorist because of 911 and that’s what I believe is the same for Muslims. They have, to me that is, something against Muslims which is why they are saying that if Obama was secretly or maybe half Muslim, then he is unfit to be president. I also think its CBR because they are targeting Muslims as suppose to or compared to a different racial group. I mean if they said Obama was half white or something else half, then they would probably be on board with him being president. Like to me personally, I don’t think they should appoint a president because of whatever their race is, but what they can do to change or fix our country better. I think #10 is also obvious of CBR because again, they generalized Asian students plus strict, over-bearing moms. I mean anyone can be smart in school, it all depends on the individual and if they are willing to try and participate in school. The parents, especially the mom’s don’t really have anything to do with their kids getting good grades. I mean it does but usually students who do well in school are usually the ones who want to get an education and have a job in their future. This scenario to me is also like the stereotype, Asians are smart, which I hear almost often. #11 to me I find ambiguous because in a way it doesn’t seem racist but at the same time it’s not really. Like it wouldn’t hurt to have a White history month but it wouldn’t have the same impact or affect as it would for Black History month and Hispanic Heritage month because of the history they both went through. I also believe though if they did create a White History month, more people would probably celebrate it rather than the other two which would probably cause a lot of stir and debate. I think we study CBR in ethnic studies because it informs us that there are still some people who use CBR as an excuse to get away with things. Yes, I think it matters in pursuit of social justice because to acknowledge it would mean we are trying to fix the injustice or inequality there is in CBR and how unfair it is to minorities. I find all of this confusing because it’s a lot to take in so I’m a little bit lost but I think this is something really important to know in school because it informs us a lot about CBR and how its still used today.

Words: 701

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patricia,
    I empathize with you, because this stuff can be really confusing, namely because it shifting the entire framework that we are all used to. I appreciate you giving it a good attempt though and be willing to work through it, even if you maybe don't agree. I really appreciate your analysis about how people suspected Obama of being Muslim- what race is "American" imagined to be? So if Muslim becomes racialized (which it did, after 9/11/01), then if we accuse someone of being Muslim (which is racialized as non-white), then are they 'acceptable' as the president? In terms of #11- why is there a need to have a Black History and Hispanic Heritage month? remember here: whiteness is considered normal.
