Words: 532
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Post-reading questions week twelve
I believe Lupe Faisco's "bad bitch" to be critically conscious because in his music video, he states how women are being portrayed as "sluts" due to what they are watching on television, the music videos they see artists make, and the magazines often displayed in stores. Not only that, but i think his video seems to be more critically conscious because it portrays how parenting can affect how a child sees the opposite sex. For example, if the roles were reverse, and the young girl was the one with the good mom, then she wouldn't dress up all revealing as she gets older. On the other hand though, if it was the younger boy who was watching the videos, he would grow up to be exactly like the girl when she got older. He would have disrespected her by trying to get at her and touching her ass. I believe the article about “Thoughts on Lupe Fiasco’s Bad Bitch” relates to me the most because I agree with what the author states. Like to some people there’s this different connotation to what “bad bitch” could mean just like what Lupe pointed out in the video. To the young girl, “bad bitch” means dressing up in revealing clothes while to the young boy, “bad bitch” means like being a hard worker, having job and taking care of your child, and dressing up appropriately. I also can relate it to the most because in the video, the author points out how the young boy turned into gentlemen because of how his mother raised him. The author states, “gender role confusion, wrought by Black women’s failure to parent their sons and mentor their daughters more proactively.” This statement I believe suggests that if parents were to control what their child watches more, then they would turn out to be more respectable when they older. For example me. I remember as I child, my parents would always monitor what I would watch or listen to. If they didn’t, I would probably end up being a girl with no manners. I think the connection between Lupe Fiasco’s music video and the quote is that well first of all, Jamila’s quote in the beginning, she states how feminist and feminism is not only addressing the issues of how women are being perceived today, but also calling to action about it. With that said, I think it relates to Lupe’s “Bad Bitch” because I believe he is doing the same. Not only is he showing how women are being mistreated, but his message clearly states that we should be doing something about it. I think what Jamila would say about this hierarchy is that it’s okay to sometimes wear revealing clothes, but not to the point where you dress up all the time to be called a “slut” and be disrespected by men all the time. I believe hip-hop as a music genre has more of a responsibility to be socially responsible because I think more teens listen to this genre more than any other music. Furthermore, I believe it has more of responsibility because to some people, the lyrics behind it have a deeper meaning than other people.
Words: 532
Words: 532
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Pre-reading questions for week twelve
believe hip-hop can be used to further social justice but it mainly depends on
the rap and hip-hop artists if they want to actually provide music that will
solve social and political problems. I
think hip-hop is more seen as a tool for critiques because I have never really
heard of hip-hop or rap songs that deal with social justice or equality. Their
music mainly focuses on degrading women, war, and like shooting people. Furthermore,
I believe it’s more of a critique because those who are in the music industry
wouldn’t want to make music that would un-interest people in buying their cds.
For example, if people hear lyrics that talk about social justice, it might
cause some debate or oppressions within them. Hip-hop can be a powerful tool
for activism because these artists producing this music can use their voice for
good instead of bad. For example, rappers like maybe 50 Cent or Nelly can write
lyrics that don’t have anything to do with degrading women or getting shot.
Instead, they can write music that has to do with solving these types of issues
or the type of problems many people go through like violence, rape, etc. I
don’t necessarily believe that it is more useful for this than other genre of
music because I think any music artists of any genre can produce music that
deals with social justice. It all just depends on the artists and if they are willing
to actually go through and deal with the oppressions of the people. Although I
do believe that it’s useful for all genres, I think hip-hop and rap is a more
affective tool for activism because most teens listen to hip-hop and rap more
today. Like I believe its beat and sometimes lyrics has more meaning to it for
some teens. I found the song “Runaway Love” by Ludacris (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BNh3PumyAE)
as an example of an artist who I believe is using hip-hop in a more conscious
matter. I found this to be powerful and good because in his song, he explains
how these girls are getting abused by their family and no one is doing anything
to help them. Although he doesn’t explain how or what we can do to help, he
does explain the situations about how cruel reality can be. I think some of the
barriers to hip-hop artists creating and marketing critical hip-hop are the oppression
of the people. If they ever produce music that literally talks about what they
have gone through or things other people have gone through, it will cause lots
of debate and fights over it which will probably lead less people in buying
their music. Also, other barriers might be themselves. They probably don’t want
to produce music that will make them re visit their past and struggles they have
gone through.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Post-reading questions for week eleven
I thought was the most interesting in the video was how much they degrade women
in music videos. Like at first I thought the rap and hip-hop artists were only
doing that because of the money but after watching that video, it made me
realize that they’re doing it on purpose. I was also surprised by how Nelly
suddenly dropped out from the bone marrow event just because he didn’t want to
hear the women’s opinions about how his music video is showing women is a
negative light. It definitely made me change my mind about how I thought of
hip-hop because the video opened my eyes on how hip-hop can affect the lives of
many people. Like I didn’t even think about what hip-hop could mean to the
whites and how rap means so more to the blacks because of the way they could
express the struggles they have been through. Like I strongly believe that rap
has a much deeper meaning to the black people because the whites have not
experienced the hardships, slavery, and pain that the blacks have. I definitely
agree with the second one on how hip-hop is both homophobia and homoerotic
because in the video we watched in class, when rap and hip-hop artists show
their bodies in magazines, they’re not doing it just for the women, but also
for the men. Furthermore, in the video, they talked about how guys who show
emotion are less of man and loose their masculinity. For example, when Busta
Rhymes was questioned about black gay men when it comes to music, he said he
wouldn’t want to associate with them and just walked away. I also agree with
number four about how the genre hip-hip is denigrating women. Like since these
music artists are showing women in a negative way, it results women in real
life being treated the same way just like those women in the video. For instance,
in the video they talked about how there are two types of women: the “sisters” and
the “bitches”. The sisters represent those who dresses classy and appropriate while
the bitches represent those who dress all reveling just like the music videos being
portrayed in hip-hip and rap. Some of the similarities between how black men were
represented during slavery and Jim Crow and their representation in music today
are that whatever they experienced or feelings they felt during those times; they
will talk about it in music. They will talk about how being a slave was torture
and how they would always have to work. They will rap about how the Jim Crow law
segregated them. They will rap about all the emotions they have bottled up over
the years. Yes and No I do and don’t believe hip-hop can be problematic. I believe
it’s problematic because not only does the music video for the genre degrade women,
but it makes people think that those who are gay are not masculine enough. No I
don’t think it’s problematic because like I said before, the genre addresses the
issues of what the blacks have gone through.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Pre-reading questions week eleven
think issues of race, gender, class, sexuality, and social justice engage with
hip-hop and the music industry is that when someone is oppressed, they often
maybe write their feelings down on paper which results it turning into music.
For example, I don’t know if this counts as one since its not hip hop but the
song “Black or White” by Michael Jackson talks about the racism between the
white and black people. Lyrics such as this song often approach the emotions
and feelings of how someone might be dealing with this injustice. I think the
purpose of hip-hop music is not only to entertain people, but also aware the
people of how someone might be feeling about a certain topic such as their
sexuality or race. For example, if someone is afraid to say what they are
actually feeling, they would instead write it in a song and let the whole word
know. For instance, take Frank Ocean .
No one knew he was gay until he expressed his sexuality in his song “Thinking
about you.” He probably didn’t want to tell anyone because he was afraid people
would judge him so instead he wrote it in a song. I think the role that race
plays in hip-hop is that there is this ideology that most rappers or artists
are usually black people. Personally to me, I’d say that the consumers of hip-hop
are racially homogenous but only because the rappers and artists of hip-hip I
see are mostly black. Like I can name so many hip hop artists that are black
but when it comes to naming one white rapper all I can think of is Enenim. I
never really knew hip-hop was problematic but I think its so popular today
because it’s what “in” today with the teens. Like hip-hop is something teens in
this generation can listen and relate to. I think Rock feels the need to defend
rap music because he is sick of hearing people say “Rap is garbage. How can you
listen to that garbage? How can you listen to that trash?” I don’t know if this
counts as some of the things that he thinks are bad about rap but he says in
the video that most black rappers are killed and the government doesn’t do
anything about it. Like he repeats over and over again how “the government
doesn’t like rap” and I think what he means by that is if it was a different
situation, like if a white rapper was always the one getting shot, then they
would be all over investigating it. But when it comes to black rappers, they
just ignore it. I think the positive aspect of hip-hop is like I said before;
it informs the people about the oppressions some feel. I think some of its
problematic aspects are that some hip-hop or rap songs do degrade women which
often lead to these debates. I don’t think hip-hop is misogynistic because I don’t
think the hip-hop and rap artists mean to intentionally degrade women. Like what
Chris Rock said, women who love rap music wouldn’t really care. As long as the beats
good, then they are okay with it. I think that’s mainly what hip-hop, rap, or the
music industry is trying to do. Not to degrade women or other people of race or
gender, but to basically make money in the business.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Post-reading questions for week eight
reasons that students maybe diagnosed with a learning disability is for one
their language. Like we talked about in class, language plays a huge role and
can determine how someone does well on standard tests. If they do poorly on it,
especially those who do not speak English very well, then they will end up in
special education class. Take for example me. When I migrated here from the Philippines
as a young child, I had a hard time learning how to speak English. I don’t
remember if I was put into a different class or not, but it made me realize
that maybe that’s why I always had a hard time with the standard tests. Another
reason why some would be diagnosed with a learning disability is because it
doesn’t fit into the “norm”. Since the white are usually the one with all the
power, the others “look up to them” and follow whatever they think is right. For
example, the disabilities that we talked about in class- drapetomania and
hysteria- were made by whites and since they are the highest on the hierarchy, people
just go allow with it because its part of the “norm”. Lastly, teachers can play
a huge role in diagnosing whether a student has LD or not. If a student is just
lazy doing their work, then a teacher might interpret that as having an illness
and will put them into a special ed class. Race, class, and gender play into
this process by having this intersectionality with the ideologies made by
society. For instance, in the Michael story, since he was an African American
male, he was stopped by the police 3 times: one for thinking he looked like the
guy who stole something, the other for thinking he was picking up prostitutes,
and the other for thinking he was smoking. Back then and probably still today,
blacks had or still have a reputation for being known as criminals and thieves,
violent, loud, and etc which all contribute to how teacher might think that
there’s something wrong with the student. Also, in his story, since Michael had
dyslexia, he couldn’t get a promotion because they probably knew that about
him. Lastly, just like Michael, if teachers think you have a LD, they will
probably put you into a different building where all the LD students are. So
basically, segregation is involved. I think the similarities between race as a
social construct and disability as a social construct is they both intersect
with determining whether a student has a LD or not. For example, drapetomania
in the 17th and 18th century was known as a disease where
African American slaves run away.
Because it was “considered” an illness, many believed the cure was
locking them up, cutting off their feet, or making them work harder. For me, I
don’t necessarily think they are different because they both intersect. I think
medicine upholds our racial, gender, and class hierarchies because like I said
before, since the whites were the majority in society, most doctors and nurses
were probably white and making up these crazy diseases like drapetomania,
hysteria, and homosexuality. Because of their high power in society, people go
allow with it because they assume it’s the “norm”. I think race, class, language
background or any other factors work together to set-up how we define learning
disability is for example if we see someone who is not fluent in English, we
automatically assume that they have a disability. If someone is black, then we
automatically assume the worst of them-the ideology we have about them-and
think that they should be put in a different class. If someone is living in
poverty, it can definitely affect how they do well in school which often leads
us to conclude that they have a LD. I
actually liked this weeks reading, especially Michael’s, and it really
surprised me that there were actually crazy disabilities made by these doctors
concerning African American slaves and women.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Pre-reading questions for week eight
think race, education, and disabilities are all connected by how they play a
huge role in someone’s life. For example, if someone is Black and doesn’t have
a good education or cannot function right, they will most likely be treated
differently or “special” than others and will most likely have a hard time
making friends or getting a job. So basically, all three of them have a huge
impact on how someone can live their life. Learning disabled means having
certain kinds of learning problems which can disable a person from learning and
using those skills at home or at school. They also depend on the individual
which basically means someone who has a learning disability may be different
from someone who else has it too. Mentally retard means someone who is not able
to function right and who learns and develops learning skills at a slower pace
than others. It’s also known as a development disability which is usually found
in children who are under 18 years old. Emotionally unstable means someone who
cannot handle their own emotions. I think students of color are over
represented in special education classes because I believe some people think
that students of color are usually the ones who are born disabled; like they
don’t bother to even think of the while students. They choose to ignore them
and target those who are colored. I think race, gender, and class can intersect
with disability to impact how people experience their lives is by let’s say a
little girl who is white and middle class has a disability. She of course would
get treated differently like all the others but I think since she’s white, she
would receive a much better advantage than a little girl who is black and in
the lower class. I don’t really understand what Connors meant when he said “these
social constructs as a means of social organization” but if I had to take a
guess I would say that in society or within a community, there are certain
rules that people follow in which they prefer to have someone work in their
store as white-middle class, and able-bodied as suppose to those who are a
working class, disabled, and colored. In a way I agree because I don’t think someone
who is disabled should work because they might have a hard time getting things
done but at the same time I believe the white people or those who follow the
rules should give the others the benefit of the doubt. To me, it doesn’t seem
fair if they don’t receive the same opportunities because of their class,
gender, race, or if they have a disability. I think someone’s race, class or language
background can impact their ability to do well on these tests by like how they
are seen by others. For example, if you are colored and maybe Asian, some might
see you as smart which means they might give you a harder test because they expect
you to pass it. But personally that just seems more of a stereotype. But I do
believe that if someone’s native language is not English, then they will have a
hard time understanding the test because it’s in a different language. Just like
the activity we did in class with Paola, if someone’s paper was in a different language
like how mine was, then the person will feel lost and confused and will do
poorly on the test.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Post reading questions for week six
for me, I’m still a little bit lost about intersectional theory but to put it
in simple words I think its when like multiple factors such as maybe your
gender or race play a huge part in your life. Like for me since I’m female and
Filipina, I don’t have that much advantage as suppose to maybe those who are
female and white. I don’t really know how it’s different from the other
approaches that we’ve learned in understanding racial, gender, or class
oppression but personally, I find this approach much better to understand. Like
this approach helped me see how women, even men could be treated differently
because of their race, gender, or even their social status in society. I think
what Audre Lorde means in this quote is that it’s not the differences that
create these different types of groups or oppressions from white women and
women of color, but the way they are holding back in fixing the problem. Like I
guess, she means that they are not exactly making an effort to fixing the
problem. They may talk about fixing it, but are still doing nothing to change
it. I think the steps that Lorde is talking about in order for all women to
achieve social justice and equality is that all women should be able to
acknowledge that every one of them is equal as suppose to seeing them as maybe
poor or weak. That if they are able to recognize those differences and see each
other as equal, then they can come together and help each other out during
their time of struggles. Responding to Moraga ’s
statement, I would have to agree with her because she is explaining or
comparing how being a lesbian is like being poor, being a color of race, and
being a woman. In other words, being a lesbian means you get treated in an
unfair way like those other factors too. I don’t really understand the second part
of her quote when she is talking about “the danger lies in ranking the oppressions….”
But to answer your question about if all of these oppressions are poverty I would
have to say they are because like I stated before, being a women of color and or
being a women in general means getting treated differently, and not in good way too. Like I guess, she is saying that
it’s sad to see every one get treated differently because of their race, gender,
sexual orientation, and etc. But that’s just me though. I don’t really know how
to answer this question. I think intersectional analysis can help us understand
the lives of men also by like their sexual orientation and race. Like for example,
if you were a black or African American man and were queer, then you may not get
a lot of advantages as suppose to men who are white and straight. But that was
back then. I don’t know if that still happens today.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Pre reading questions for week six
you change one of the straight white women’s characteristics to maybe queer or
something else, then of course her structural position will also change. I
mean, she maybe different, but she’s still white. So in my opinion, she would
still hold power but not as much as straight white women or straight white men.
In others words basically, I believe she would still get better advantages that
the minorities. If you change queer white men into straight white men then
there structural position will change to where they hold all the power. For me
and this is just my opinion, it doesn’t really make a difference if you change
of one the characteristics of the white men because whatever you do or change,
they will always be on the top of the ladder. Same goes for straight black men.
I believe that even if you change one of their characteristics to queer,
something else, or still straight, they will still be seen as below of the food
chain and will still be given a hard time from everyone else, especially the
whites. They will still have to work hard to get where they want to be unlike
the whites whose advantages are already given to them. I don’t really know what
you mean by political organization, but I think white women don’t really have
that much needs as black women because like I said before, white women, even if
you change their structural position, they will still hold some little power
while as the black women, if you change their structural position, they will
get nothing. If we are talking about political organizing, then the black women
need more equality and power as everyone else. They should have a say in whatever
they want to do without being looked differently. I also think it applies for
queer Asian men and straight Asian men. I mean they both come from the same
group, but when it comes to political organizing, the queer Asian men get
looked differently because they are not the same as the others. Basically,
straight Asian men have more advantages than queer Asian men because those who
are straight don’t have to be scared of maybe using the public restroom. Personally
to me, I think if people are only granted advantages and disadvantages because
of their race, then that would be discrimination. Everyone should be able to
receive equal advantages not because of their ethnicity, but how hard they
work. I don’t really understand what you mean by if someone has racial
privilege but not ability privilege but I think that if someone has an
advantage because of their race but doesn’t have the ability to do it, then it
causes some unfairness and injustice I think. I don’t really know how to answer
this question. For the “Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women redefining
difference”, my two questions are: are women receiving less disadvantages
because of their gender? And how are the ways the women are challenging this
type of problem in their society? For “La Guera”, my two questions are: does
this reading have to do with women also? And does the title reference have to
do with something about war? For “The Combahee River Collective Statement,” my
two questions are: does this reading have to do with the Native Americans? And
does this reading have to do with like the Native Americans’s opinions about
how they feel about the situation?
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Post reading questions for week five
Bonilla-Silva refers Color Blind Racism as ‘racism lite’ because he is saying
that like instead of calling minorities these names such as niggers or chinks,
it implies that they are behind and are not working hard enough as suppose to
where God was the one who placed them in this crucial position. He also states that,
“if two people who come from different racial groups get married, then it is
looked as ‘problematic’ because of the location, children, and the burden it is
placed the on the couple.” For me, I think the video is racist because well for
me, it seems like here that she is generalizing or targeting what white girls
are saying to black girls as suppose to you know talking about the different
things white people say to black people. I also think that in a way its kind of
racist because and this is just me, that she points out how some white girls
can act not smart or in other words act as a dumb blond. But although I do
believe that she didn’t mean to make the video seemed racist because I think
she was just trying to show from her point of view what she has heard from
maybe her friends or other people and she just wanted to share it and see if
others have experienced it too. I think #5 about the one where people think
Obama is Muslim is obviously CBR because to me, it’s the same way as how some
people look at Arabs. When they hear the word Arabs or see someone that is
Arab, they probably think of terrorist because of 911 and that’s what I believe
is the same for Muslims. They have, to me that is, something against Muslims
which is why they are saying that if Obama was secretly or maybe half Muslim,
then he is unfit to be president. I also think its CBR because they are
targeting Muslims as suppose to or compared to a different racial group. I mean
if they said Obama was half white or something else half, then they would
probably be on board with him being president. Like to me personally, I don’t
think they should appoint a president because of whatever their race is, but
what they can do to change or fix our country better. I think #10 is also
obvious of CBR because again, they generalized Asian students plus strict,
over-bearing moms. I mean anyone can be smart in school, it all depends on the
individual and if they are willing to try and participate in school. The
parents, especially the mom’s don’t really have anything to do with their kids
getting good grades. I mean it does but usually students who do well in school
are usually the ones who want to get an education and have a job in their future.
This scenario to me is also like the stereotype, Asians are smart, which I hear
almost often. #11 to me I find ambiguous because in a way it doesn’t seem
racist but at the same time it’s not really. Like it wouldn’t hurt to have a
White history month but it wouldn’t have the same impact or affect as it would
for Black History month and Hispanic Heritage month because of the history they
both went through. I also believe though if they did create a White History
month, more people would probably celebrate it rather than the other two which
would probably cause a lot of stir and debate. I think we study CBR in ethnic studies
because it informs us that there are still some people who use CBR as an excuse
to get away with things. Yes, I think it matters in pursuit of social justice because
to acknowledge it would mean we are trying to fix the injustice or inequality there
is in CBR and how unfair it is to minorities. I find all of this confusing because
it’s a lot to take in so I’m a little bit lost but I think this is something really
important to know in school because it informs us a lot about CBR and how its still
used today.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Pre reading questions for week five
I think
racism still continues even though nobody or a few people identify themselves
as racist because I believe and this is just me, that there are racism
everywhere we go. It may or not be intentional, but racism is still taught in
school such as the history of it in school books. Also, it may or not be
intentional again, but I think there is racism in like movies and tv shows. For
example, I haven’t really heard a lot about it and I don’t know if I’m right
either, but I heard when the movie “princess and the frog” came out, there were
issues about the princess being black and not white. I think when the
commentators said that the election of Obama meant that racism doesn’t matter
anymore in the United States was that he became the first ever black man to run
for president and that him running for president actually showed the world something.
They also believe that him running would possibly stop people from criticizing the
United States
as a racist country. Dr. Apollon argues that the election of Obama doesn’t mean
that “racism is dead” because he states that, “Any racism is more than
overcoming the hateful words. It’s about stopping the teaching of racism, the treatment
of immigrants, and etc.” If I was talking to one of my friends about white privilege
and they said that they don’t see color, they see people individually, I would ask
them to clarify what they mean and maybe elaborate it more so maybe I could kind
of get their point instead of maybe having a debate over it because to me, that
statement has like two meanings behind it. Like I believe the first meaning could
be where she is talking about how she doesn’t see racism in people at all but rather
how a person treats her with like respect and how hard they work. On the other hand
and this is just me again and I don’t know if this makes sense either, but I believe
she could also be talking about how she’s blinded by a person’s color. Like even
though she might see a person individually, she might treat them a little bit differently
based on maybe their gender, their wealth, or status in society. So basically
in other words, her statement could be racist. I would define diversity as
having many choices or possibilities and I believe that it relates to structural
privilege and social justice because I believe that by having structural
privilege, you have a choice of working hard to get where you want and same
goes for social justice. There are many varieties of getting social justice; it
mainly depends on an individual and how much they want it.
Words: 462
Posts reading questions for week 4
During the exercise, the privileges and disadvantages that
stood out to me where when you said if our parents ever told us we are
beautiful, smart, and are able to chase our dreams, family having or owning 50
books, using a public restroom without having any thoughts of fear in them,
walking alone at night, and having to skip meals because your family could not
afford it. All of those I found to be pretty interesting because it lead and
showed me the advantages and disadvantages that I had and didn’t have it. It
also lead me to believe that there are certain advantages that I take for
granted because I have those privileges while others do not. Although I did
find the family owning 50 books and family having to skip meals because they not
afford it to be troublesome because they applied to me. Back then, my family, especially
from my dad’s side, could not afford to buy books for themselves let alone
sometimes buy lunch at school and I know some relatives before who had a hard
time feeding their family because they just could not afford it. I think the
idea of structural privilege challenges the notion of meritocracy because
meritocracy is a group of people or individuals who work hard and are rewarded
by it rather than by their status in society or by power and if someone let’s
say gets a better promotion at work then you because of their wealth or by
their gender, then not only is it unfair, but it puts those who work really hard
on the bottom of the food chain and those who didn’t on the top. Like I don’t
really know how to describe it but I think the idea of structural idea makes
people work harder. Like you said about the analogy of the video game, those who
have the most materials or weapons start off easy compared to those who don’t
have anything and have to work hard to get them. I think Jon Scalzi’s posts
about “Straight White Male” and the analogy he uses helps understand structural
privilege because in his blog, he explains how in the video game or in real
life, straight white men have a better chance of gaining access to parts of the
map as suppose to those who aren’t straight or who aren’t men. For example, he
says “if you choose a to be a player who is a gay minority female, then that’s
hardcore” because you get less privileges then the men and have to work a
little bit harder than them. I think this is similar to the McIntosh piece
because in some ways, both the reading and the blog talk about the advantages
of what it’s like to be white.
Words: 464
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Pre reading questions for week 4
me, privilege is the same exact thing as having your own right; you are given
the opportunity to do something by your own free will or choice. I don’t know
if this counts as a privilege to other people in different societies but I
think one of it is the privilege to practice your own belief, culture, or
religion. Everyone has the right to practice it and not be told by the
government or the authorities you can’t do this and that. I also think an
example of privilege would be maybe the privilege to vote or like the privilege
to sign up for the army. I think white privilege means the whites have their
own set of rules or rights that they can do while others cannot. I think we
talk about white privilege in ethnic studies because in some ways the things
they can do and others cannot is racism. I believe structural inequality means
the type of structure or government we have or had in the past was unfair and
cruel. Others could do this and that, while others were unable to because maybe
of their social status in government or they just didn’t have that much power,
money, or labor. I think we talk about structural inequality in ethnic studies
because like I said before with white privilege, it has something to do with
racism. Advantage and disadvantage means like the same thing as pro and cons.
Advantage means like having a positive or up side effect of something while
disadvantage means having a negative and down side effect of something. I think
we will talk about the advantage and disadvantage in ethnic studies because it
probably has to do with white privilege, structural inequality, and racism and
mostly the disadvantage it has towards the other racial groups and the
advantage it has towards the white people. I would define racism as not being
able to do something based on their color, gender, culture, belief, religion,
etc. I also think it means not being liked for all of those same reasons too. I
think my definition of privilege has somewhat something to do racism because I defined
privilege as something to do with maybe your religion or belief and if someone doesn’t
like you because of that, I think that counts as racism. Yes, I believe people
of color can be racist because anyone can be racist. If you say no then I doubt
that because everyone has their own good or bad opinions about other people. I think
the white people have the most advantage in the U.S society because they are the
most recognized. They hold the most power and if we were to say cause maybe some
trouble against them, it would cause a major fight between them and the other groups.
I think Lipsitz means by this quote is that the definition of racism changes over
time because many people give their own definition and meaning to racism to the
point where it leads confusion to some people in different eras. I think in the
colonial America
and I don’t know if this is right or not but I believe that racism was bad during
that time. Not many had a say in their lives and the white people mostly had power
and control. During the 20th century and today, I still believe there
is still racism out there but not as bad as it was before. Like the government today
gives more people, besides the white, more rights and freedom then they had when
they didn’t have any power at all.
Post reading questions for week 3
think what Hattman is arguing is that we should remove the invisible line
between race and ethnicity from the census but also take action and change the
many and different ways ethnic privilege has been defined by ethnicity against
race. I’m not technically sure if this is what she is arguing about but if she
is, I would have to agree because we, as citizens or non citizens of the United
States , have a responsibility to be able to check
what we are on the census without having there be some sort of debate over it.
I thought this was a land of opportunity not a land where there is still discrimination
based on someone’s race. For example, today Latino’s are still not added on the
census and that’s not fair at all. Furthermore and this is just me, I believe
that by having this huge connection of ethnic privilege and ethnicity against
race, it creates maybe some oppression from other people because they are not
getting what they need and want from the government. If my friend asked me to
fill out number 8 and 9 on the census I would check that I am not of a Hispanic,
Latino, or Spanish Origin for the first question and check Filipino for the
second question. Although it was very easy for me to answer those questions it
may be hard for others because their race is not there which I find odd because
that just means in my opinion that whoever made the census forgot or did not
want to add that race. I don’t know if that was the 2000 census or not but even
today, every race should be up there and every one should be comfortable
checking that box. Flores ’ describes the demographic
approach as by numerical count and the census while he describes the analytical
approach by maybe having shared experience or labels. The last approach, the
imaginary, he describes it has having a colonial relationship or having shared
memories. It’s important we look at the community in these three ways because I
believe that if we don’t do a numerical count or have the census, we would not
be able to know what types of group there are in the U.S.
We would not be able to know how many whites, black, Hispanics, Asians, etc.
there are living here. By having the analytical approach, we wouldn’t really
know what names to call these types of groups. For instance immigration is
given labels to people who have crossed the border line. We have the imaginary approach
because without it, we would not be able to share the same experience that we
had back home with other people who are the same ethnicity as you. I think the
census reflects racial categories in the U.S by showing us the many types of
race and ethnicity there are and if for example someone’s race or ethnicity isn’t
there it creates some sort of debate and fight over it. On the other hand, I believe
it creates racial category in the U.S by adding more race and ethnicity. If the
people who ever created the census decided to add more groups into the
category, people might think they favor this group over the other.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Post reading questions for week 2
If I had to come up with my own definition of race and
ethnicity, I would say that both are similar. They both deal with like where
someone comes from and where like they originated from but what differentiates
them is that I would say that race has more something to do with a person’s
appearance. Honestly, my understandings of race and ethnicity somewhat changed
from my pre-reading response. Like I’m still confused between the two of them
but, I did learn that races aren’t something that was created naturally or
forcefully. They were created because of how we see and classify other people.
In other words I guess when we think a certain group is important or different
than the others, we start to criticize or analyze them by giving them a certain
meaning or definition, thus creating the word race. Also, from my understanding
from the reading, I learned that ethnicity has more something to do with an
individual and how they seem themselves as in their group while race I believe
refers to everyone in a single group. Lastly, I’ve also read that ethnicity,
like race, originated from us. That we can give the word itself an identity but
it mainly depends on how we see us or other people. Since race and ethnicity
have many meanings in this country, I believe it causes confusion because not
everyone sees the same point of view as someone else. In other words, it all
depends on the individual and how their opinion differs from another person’s
view. Because of this, I believe this is the reason why there are still some debate
on what the real meaning is behind race and ethnicity. Since no one can really
agree on what the real definition is between the two, every one starts creating
their own meaning which leads to confusion between race and ethnicity. Yes, I
believe everyone has the right to self-identity their own race and ethnicity
because no one should tell a person that “they can’t have the same skin color
as them” or “they can’t be from the same culture.” I mean it’s not exactly
their fault how they were born or like how they both have the same ancestry.
Every individual has the right to be the person that they want to be without
being judged. Honestly, I don’t really know if this counts as a link between
biology and race but some people think that because I’m Asian, I’m smart. Like
to me, I feel like this is more like a stereotype than something else. Like
just because I’m Asian doesn’t mean I’m smart. Intelligence has nothing to do
with someone’s race but how determine they are when it comes to during their
homework or winning a competition.
Words: 462
Friday, September 7, 2012
Pre reading for week 2
To me, I would define race as where people originally originated
from. For example, the Italians came from Italy ,
the Germans came from Germany ,
the Filipinos came from the Philippines ,
the Mexicans came from Mexico ,
etc. I also would define it as someone’s physical appearance such as nose, hair
color, eyes, etc. Ethnicity on the other hand, I believe has to do with the
same thing as race. They both deal with their nationality except maybe
ethnicity deals with other things too such as their traditions, beliefs,
culture, etc. Although I think both ethnicity and race have similarities, they
also have differences that distinguish the two of them. Like I said before, I believe
race has a lot to do with how someone looks while ethnicity deals with more of
a person’s history and culture. Take for example, Filipinos. They are said to
have a race of dark skin, black hair, sometimes morena, skinny, etc. Their
ethnicity would probably be like their religion which is catholic and the
language that they speak which is tagalog. I don’t exactly know what you mean
by common racial classifications that we use here in the United States but if I
had to guess I would say African Americans who were born or originated from
Africa, the Mexicans who originated from Mexico, the Caucasians who originated
from here in the United States, and the Pacific Islanders or Asians that originated
from Asia. I think what makes a group a race is the similarities they share such
as their background history, the food they eat, the religion they practice, what
they do and don’t believe in, if they share any physical appearance, etc. There
are a lot of things that make a group of people a race. But I think the most important
one would be their language. If they share the same language, communication between
each other would be much easier because they would be able to understand one another
much better. Honestly, I would characterize my own ethnicity like every
Filipino out there. Someone who practices Catholicism and goes to church every Sunday,
someone who believes that if you jump on New year’s eve you will get taller, someone
who takes off their shoes once you go into someone else’s house because its
polite to, someone who knows how to speak and understand tagalog, etc. I chose
these kinds of labels because that’s just how I was taught to be; Not just
because I see other Filipino’s do those things too, but because that’s how my
parents raised me to be. My race on the other hand I would describe it differently.
Since most Filipino’s are dark skinned, morena, and dark haired, I am not. I am
light skinned and have brown hair. Yes, a lot of people get my race or
ethnicity wrong. Often I get mistaken as Chinese and I believe that is because I
am not like all the other Filipino’s they see which is like I said in their
eyes dark skinned. Although sometimes I get mistaken for a Chinese, some people
do get my ethnicity right and I believe that is because my behavior is the same
way as all the other Filipino’s. We eat the same food, we talk the same, we
speak the same language, and we have the same beliefs and culture.
Words: 557
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Post reading for week 1
Reading the three articles by Whitson, State of Arizona ,
and Monteiro, I was able to understand why ethnic studies are a big fuss all
over the world. Many people, the government mostly believe that by having
ethnic studies taught in school, it can somehow overthrow the current
government. That’s why Arizona
created the House of Bill 2281; because they saw ethnic studies as a threat to
their power. They believed that by writing out a law that stated all of the
consequences if ethnic studies still continued, it can scare them. I don’t know
if this is exactly right but I think the problems that the 1968 strikers wanted
ethnic studies to address was like the racial tension between like the white
people and the black people. For example, the editor of the gater was attacked
by a group of black people because he wrote an article stating that he and
other people were not comfortable having a Black Student Union. Another example
would be George Murray. He wanted black students to carry guns at school to
protect themselves from anyone who was racist against them. I also believe that
one of the problems that the 1968 strikers wanted ethnic studies to address was
like the promotion of diversity. They wanted to voice out their opinion and
thoughts on how maybe society can be changed. If a conversation between an HB
2281 and a 1986 striker happened, it would probably go with the striker saying
that ethnic studies is not a promotion of resentment toward a race or class of
people nor will it ever be the promotion of the overthrow of the United States
government. Then the HB 2281 will retaliate by maybe saying that by teaching
ethnic studies you are creating another racial tension between this group and
another group just like during the 1968 strike at San
Francisco State University . The arguments Tom Horne is making against
teaching Ethnic studies in the Tuscon Unified School District is that by
teaching ethnic studies, they are separating different individuals or races as
to oppose to teaching every single different culture in social studies as a
unity. He also goes on by arguing that most people come to America
because it’s the land of opportunity and that these people trust the schools to
teach their kids about how America
is the land of opportunity and that if they work hard, they can reach their
dream instead of oppressing it. Although this is very true, I disagree with
this argument. I believe that learning ethnic studies is not going to oppress
anyone. I mean sure it might bring some feelings and emotions, but not to the point
where they will take action and go on strike. Like I don’t believe that being
oppressed will stop students from reaching their goal. In fact, it depends on
the individual and how determined they are to reaching their goal. It has
nothing to do ethnic studies and how it can affect their learning. The
arguments Dyson is making in favor of ethnic studies is that by teaching ethnic
studies, anyone from different backgrounds or color can learn ethnic study
classes. He believes that white Americans can benefit from all of the different
ethnic study classes that are being taught. I totally agree with this statement
because by taking different classes other than your heritage, you are basically
getting out of your comfort zone. You are able to learn about the different foods,
traditions, beliefs, etc that they have. You will be able to realize the history
and the hardship that they had to go through. If one of my family members asked
me about opinion about this controversy, I would tell them that ethnic studies
should be taught in school. That having ethnic studies will not oppress anyone’s
feelings and if it does, it all depends on the individual and how they take it.
Just because someone feels that way doesn’t mean everyone will.
Words: 660
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Pre-reading/Pre-thinking response for week Sept. 3
I don’t exactly know what ethnic studies are, but from what I’ve heard it’s
like a group or a class that teaches you about your heritage and culture.
Basically, your background history, what your rituals are, what you believe in
and don’t believe in, etc. I don’t think ethnic studies is the same as
sociology or anthropology because both of them deal with like the human society
while as ethnic studies deals with individual groups like Mexicans, Chinese,
Filipinos, etc. On the other hand though, I believe political science has a lot
to do with ethnic studies because political science deals with our government
and from just watching that video about banning ethnic studies in Arizona, our
government is trying to get rid of them, while one teacher from Sunnyside High
school is trying to keep his Mexican American Ethnic Study class. I feel like
the main reason why there is a debate over why ethnic studies should be taught
in high school is because some teachers, parents, other people, and our
government, believe that students should focus more on their academic learning
rather than their own heritage. I feel like they believe that learning a class
about your heritage is not that important when you can just ask your parents or
relatives at home instead. In other words, they probably don’t think learning
about your heritage will help you in the future as suppose to learning math,
english, or any other subjects that can get you a job. Just from watching that
video, I feel like the white people will not like having Ethnic groups be
taught in school. For example, thousands of white students from the Tuscan
Unified School District
left because they felt uncomfortable with some of the ethnic studies classes. Majority,
I feel like the Mexicans would most definitely be in favor of having ethnic
studies be taught because just like that video, when the teacher set an apple
on their desk, one student said “he sees his family working hard on the field
all day.” Not only does it show that Mexicans come from a hard working class,
but it also can change some peoples perspective about Mexicans. I feel like the
main reason why Arizona, and some other states and school district is
considering banning ethnic studies is because they think that by having those
classes, they will be able to overthrow the government. Not only do I find that
statement ridicules, but I believe that banning ethnic studies is completely
unfair. Everyone should have the right to know their heritage and be proud of
it, just like that student Jose from the Arizona
video. I believe that everyone equally will benefit from having ethnic study courses.
Because like I said, everyone has the right to know who they are and where they
come from. They have the right to be comfortable with their heritage and not be
judged for who and what they are.
Words: 492
Words: 492
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